Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way - A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron
I've read this book, in part and whole, at least four times. Each time I marvel at her notions of spirituality connecting us to creativity. I've used her card deck to try to boost myself creativity and I've used her journal. I find the book a bit too spiritual. I need something slightly more concrete. However, she does bring all the usual elements to the table: eliminating negativity, finding affirmations, identifying and removing barriers and surrounding oneself with faith, hope and courage. The fact that I still have the book and have once again picked it up for inspiration tells me there is good stuff here. Sometimes all creativity needs is something out of the norm. This book provides that for me- kind of like yoga!

Julia Cameron on self nuturing - writing, walking and taking an artist's date.

The Artist's Way Starter Kit is available from

1 comment:

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