Thursday, March 10, 2016

Earth's Changing Climate by Richard Wolfson, Ph.D.

I recently finished listening to 12 lectures on Earth's Changing Climate by Richard Wolfson, Ph. D.   It is part of the Great Courses series.

The information on the global science of climate change was very useful.  I use a non-dispersive infrared meter to measure levels of carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide absorbes infrared energy at specific wave lengths.  This allows levels of the gas to be measured and it is also why it traps heat in the earth's atmosphere.  The primary method for heat energy to leave the planet is through loss of  infrared heat through the atmosphere.   On the chart below, 100% transmittance means that the gas does not absorb infra red light at that frequency.  At about 2375-2389 wave number, carbon dioxide absorbs the infrared energy.  

I began measuring outdoor carbon dioxide levels in 1989 in Minnesota.  Levels averaged around 340 ppm.  The recent levels (2016) are around 390 to 400 ppm depending on the time of the year. -
Click on any of these images to enlarge.

The lecture and attached book covered the basic science of climate change.  I appreciated that information did not advocate specific policy solutions but focused how climate scientists attempt to measure and predict changes in climate.


Modern Physics with Richard Wolfson, Ph.D.

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