John Cleese's So, Anyway...
John offers excellent insights into methods of teaching children from his time as a student and his brief tenure as a school teacher. Praising students for effort rather than praising them for creativity or intelligence promotes better learning.
John has David Frost to thank for his gradual growth and development in comedy. John describes David as having Pronoia (the unflinching belief that everyone will do their best to help you). In David's case it was true.
John gradually overcomes his very strong stage fright through repetition. He also offers help in writing comedy. Its OK to stress out early but it's best to be relaxed and playful when coming up with ideas. Both he and his writing partner, Graham Chapman would need to respond physically to comedy often falling on the floor laughing while creating sketches. This was especially true during their partnership with Peter Sellers.
John Cleese begins to get solid comedy footing in At Last the 1948 Show, A sketch comedy series staring Graham Chapman, Marty Feldman, John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor and the lovely Ami McDonald. Other future Pythons would also help with acting and script writing.
At Last the 1948 Show - Burglers- 3 min.
At Last the 1948 Show - Quiz Show - 6 min.
The Lovely Ami McDonald - approx. 1 min.
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