Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Miracles and Massacres by Glen Beck

Glen Beck describes ten lesser known events from American History in gritty detail.  The events start with the Revolutionary War and end with 911.  Heroes and antiheroes share the pages.   Shay's rebellion and the attempted kidnapping of Thomas Jefferson provide information on lesser known events.

Each story is told as a narrative and the author clearly lays out parts of the story including dialogue that fit the facts but we have no way of knowing if these were the exact words spoken.  This allows history to come alive without being dishonest in its presentation. 

The stories illuminate  the history of an imperfect often unjust country that often makes snap judgments based on limited information.  Glen relays the story of a woman wrongly accused of being Tokyo Rose.  She was a US citizen trapped in Japan as the war started. She was convicted by the press based on inaccurate information.

The battle of Athens describes how GI's coming back from the war took back a town from a corrupt police department.  Unchecked power leads to corruption.

The  911 story describes the domino effect that resulted because 20th hijacker was not allowed to enter the US.  This hijacker did not make it on flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania.  In this case, the actions of ordinary citizens doing there job and trusting their instincts prevented additional tragedy and brought others to justice.

Tokyo Rose story - 5 minutes


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