Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Art of Empathy by Karla McLaren

Karla McLaren's guide to the Art of Empathy provides a better understanding of the role of empathy in our relationships to others. Using empathy during ergonomic evaluations has helped me do a better job of making sure an employees workplace is functional reducing the risk of injury.

She counsels against valancing emotions by labeling a specific emotion as bad and something to be avoided. She describes each emotional states as soft, medium and hard.  The soft states of various emotions are very helpful. We can access the soft state of shame to help us avoid behaviors that we may later regret.  The soft state of anger allows us to set boundaries. The soft state of fear allows us to be very aware of what is going on around us.  It keeps us alert and safe. The soft state of anxiety encourages us to fill out to do lists and get things done to avoid future pain.

The unrelenting quest to make everyone happy is from her perspective misguided. It is important for people to be able to chose and when circumstances allow us to express emotion. At a funeral it is appropriate to express grief. Forcing someone to be happy in a time of grief is not helpful.

Her discussion of the suicidal emotion was new to me. She suggests that people misinterpret this emotion as the need to end their life. This emotion actually signals that some aspect of a person's life has to end or die. The search to find this can provide relief if the specific problem is identified and removed.  I do not know if this exercise in reframing would be helpful to people. It may be worth studying as the efficacy of current methods need improvement.

The six aspects of empathy - 10 minutes

Emotions simplified - 10 minutes

Rejuvenate yourself - 17 minutes

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