Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People
The book sorts interactions into the first five minutes, the first five hours and the first five days describing the four to five skills needed to be successful. She weaves 14 personality hacks throughout the book to improve the odds of success. For hack #1, the social game plan, she diagrams out a typical social gathering and notes the areas likely to be most promising. These locations can be modified according to personality type. She illustrates how Harry Truman used this technique to win the democratic nomination for vice president.
I found immediate application for the tips in this book. While conducting ergonomic evaluations, it is important for me to focus on the concerns of the employees. After determining their concerns, I'll offer suggestions for improvement and then assess their response to my suggestions. If their statements and facial impressions are incongruent, I need to pick up on that and increase my curiosity about what they need to be successful without injuring themselves. For fun, I attempt to read their microexpressions while they pick out chairs in the showroom. Facial expressions come long before the verbal declarations.
Her Science of People blog provides additional insight to be successful for different personality types, work, and social situations.
Ten Essential People Skills You Need to Succeed - 10 minutes
You are Contagious -18 minutes
Ten interview questions to reveal behavioral quirks - 10 minutes