Cynthia Borgeault's book, The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind--A New Perspective on Christ and His Message
, should be subtitled - Jesus Zen Master. Viewed from the perspective of an Episcopalian Minister, Jesus offers wisdom not in pithy proverbs but in mind twisting parables that produce an evolution of thought and a better understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.
When we try to fully understand Jesus we need to reflect on his teachings from both an Western and Eastern perspective. The author encourages being open to some of the gnostic gospels making specific mention of the Gospel of Thomas.
Specific practices such as centering prayer, promoted by Father Thomas Keating, provide a practice that allows a fuller understanding of the faith. A faith that is experienced and not one that lists a series of specific beliefs, rules and doctrine. She describes methods that allow us to quiet the mind and be open to graciously receiving wisdom.
She also provides some ideas as to how Jesus developed his teaching by combining his Jewish faith with the cultural exchange of ideas in the trading hub of Galilee.
She discusses Mary Magdalene as a close friend of Jesus who comes closer than many apostles to understanding the depth of his teaching. He teaches not simply a belief but is is a way of deeper understanding. He promotes a different value system where fairness is supplanted by abundance.
In my own words, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a baseball team who adds a player late in the season (see MN Twins and Don Baylor) and goes on to win the World Series. The players who were on the team the whole year get a championship ring along with the player who was only on the team a month. They share the abundance and don't quibble about who did more to secure the championship.
The book definitely deepened my understanding of the wisdom of Jesus and offered practices to be open to receiving this gift. The practices will also be beneficial to individuals outside the Christian Faith. The author developed a better understanding of some techniques by studying the faith practices in Sufi Islam.
Cynthia Bourgeault - Raising consciousness - 10 min.
Metanoia - reinterpreting the meaning of Repent - 4 min.
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