Improvisation for the Spirit by Katie Goodman makes the connection between improv comedy and saying "Yes and" to living a less fearful more spontaneous life. I enjoyed Katie's imaginary dialogue with her inner critic that keeps putting her down trying to use fear to stop her from attempting something new. She gives her inner critic a funny name and a personality. This allows her to use the critical information without it destroying her creativity. She also is very realistic about people dropping everything and pursuing a dream. Give it a test drive and understand it thoroughly with input from others before making a hasty life changing decision.
U of MN Libraries emergency water response video 2012
I have used her phrase "Ready, Go, Set." often when working on new creative projects. In the past it took more than a year to get training projects completed at work. I wanted to shorten it to less than a week for some small projects and less than a month for larger projects requiring collaboration. This has worked for a flood response video produced in collaboration with U of Minnesota facilities management and the library system.
Katie Goodman on improvisation
The book, Improvisation for the Spirit: Live a More Creative, Spontaneous, and Courageous Life Using the Tools of Improv Comedy
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